The benefits of Linseed Tea

Hello Everyone, whatever your week holds for you. Why don’t you try this alternative drink, it’s a great stress and anxiety buster OR just when you want a HUG IN A MUG ????

LINSEED TEA – so easy to make and it’s great for the kidneys, reduces fear, stress and dehydration. It’s so calming, soothing and reassuring for our lovely intestines, and a great source for constipation too. (Bowels – A place where we hold most of the stress).

Linseeds/flaxseeds or a great introduction to getting our essential fatty acids and the best bit it’s easy to make. Full of goodness ?vitamins and minerals. Eventually you can add these to any of your smoothies, porridge, the list goes on.

Quick method: 3 tablespoons of linseeds/flaxseeds (organic whole) if you can, in a flask and cover with boiling water – leave for 8-12 hours. Then drink away. ?

You really will feel how soothing this drink is. Sometimes reaching out for coffee/tea/carbonated drinks can add to your bodies fight or flight mode.

So to switch that off. Try this alternative and therapeutic drink.
Try it and tell me what you think. ?. It really is a Hug in a Mug xx
